Category Job Center

This section covers everything related to unemployment benefits in Germany, including Unemployment Benefit I (Arbeitslosengeld I) and Unemployment Benefit II (formerly known as Hartz IV). Learn about retraining and further education programs funded by the Job Center and the Federal Employment Agency, eligibility criteria, required documents, payment duration, and key regulations. Additionally, find out about the rights and obligations of unemployed individuals, as well as insurance coverage during unemployment

Obligations After Termination

Obligations After Termination – When Do You Need to Register with the Federal Employment Agency? Losing a job can bring a lot of changes, and apart from searching for a new position, there are legal obligations you need to fulfill…

hamburg speicherstadt

What ist Federal Employment Agency

Agentur für Arbeit (Federal Employment Agency) is a German institution responsible for providing services related to the labor market, such as job placement, career counseling, and payment of unemployment benefits. Its headquarters are located in Nuremberg. Structure and Supervision Agentur…

Specherstadt Hamburg

Complete Guide to the Jobcenter in Germany

“Unemployment is a state where you have time but no money. Work is a situation where you have money but no time.” – Unknown Author What is the Jobcenter and what regulations apply? The Jobcenter is an institution responsible for…